Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Today I have mostly been playing with Photoshop, drinking tea, stretching and moaning about the cold.

Monday, 25 March 2013


Welcome. Whether you are a sufferer of chronic pain, a physician, an artist or just curious, I hope this blog will be of interest to you.

I use a combination of commonplace materials, traditional techniques and medical paraphenalia that I am instinctively drawn to, focusing almost entirely on human form, human experience and bodily systems. The primary objective of my practise is to make the elusive, invisible elements of chronic illness and pain a visual entity – thus more tangible to the sufferer and 'real' to the audience.

I cannot really remember the last time I wasn't in physical pain of some description. I am 27 years old (soon to be 28) and it probably started around the age of 13 with an undiagnosed ankle injury. Like most people affected by chronic illness/pain, I look fine. Two legs, two arms,two ears, two eyes, a torso, clear skin and often wearing a  smile. And afterall, 99% of sickness is invisible, dont'cha know?

Enough about that - there are enough blogs and websites out there dedicated to raising awareness and providing support (I can highly recommend www.butyoudontlooksick.com ).

Art has the power to challenge perceptions. And, in the current socio-political climate, perceptions of disability need to be challenged. 

Here's a sneaky look at some of the stuff I'm working on right now.

A Bed of Nails
(lens based media, commonplace materials)

Images courtesy of myself! March 2013